Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache

How to rebuild the icon cache database To rebuild the icon cache database on Windows 10, close any application that you may be running, and then do the following: Open Start and do a search for.

How to Rebuild the Windows 10 Icon Cache

As a result, Windows save icons it’s already retrieved in its memory. When Windows needs to draw an icon, it uses the copy from the cache instead of retrieving the icon image from the original application file. This helps in making Windows draw the icons faster. Rebuild Shell Icon Cache is a Portable freeware and have ability to Refresh the. When you execute the launcher, your screen might refresh a few times as the application attempts to rebuild your Windows' icon cache. Lightweight icon cache rebuild tool. All in all, Rebuild Shell. The easiest way to rebuild the thumbnail cache on Windows 10 is using the Disk Cleanup tool.

If you are finding one or more icons not displaying correctly, it is more likely that you have a corrupted Windows 10 Icon Cache. Windows saves all icons in a file called IconCache.db located in the profile folder so that it can quickly display icons without having to search the entire Windows 10 system for them. If Windows 10 shows a blank or white icon instead of the actual icon itself then you will more than likely have to rebuild the Windows 10 Icon cache.

Steps to Rebuild the Windows 10 Icon Cache

This is an easy way to clear the icon cache instead of using any third-party utility and not having to touch the command line. If this option doesn’t work for you, try option #2 with the command line to rebuild the Windows 10 Icon Cache.

Windows 10 stores all the icons of files and apps in icon cache database. This database helps to display the icons quickly and avoid time consuming process of accessing all the related icons from the source. When database of your Windows 10 PC get increased, the icon cache database may get corrupted. So you may like to know how you can reset icon cache database, whenever you feel the icons are showing damaged.

How To Rebuild Icon Cache

Windows 10 automatically rebuild icon cachefiles when you remove icon cache files using command line. You must close all the apps running on your PC before starting this method otherwise you will not be able to delete complete list of icon cache files from the database.

If you are running Windows 8.1 and having same issue, apply the same process which we are going to discuss in this blog.

To Reset Icon Cache Database on Windows 10

Launch Elevated (Administrator’s) Command Prompt on your Windows 10 PC. Then run the following command. It will navigate to the icon cache database location.

cd %homepath%AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsExplorer

Now, run the following command to confirm whether the icon cache database files are available at their storage location or not.

dir iconcache*

You can see a list of icon cache files displayed as output of the command. See the screenshot.

Also read: How To Create System Restore Point In Windows 10 With Simple Script

To stop the File Explorer, run the following command.

taskkill /f /im explorer.exe

This command terminates File Explorer and disappear the desktop background & taskbar temporarily.

Win 10 Clear Icon Cache

Now you can delete the icon cache files only after termination of File Explorer. Run the following command to delete icon cache files.

del iconcache*


In case you see “Access is denied” message as an output of above command, you need to cross-check your running apps. All the apps should be closed.

You should verify whether all the files are deleted successfully or not. Run the following command and confirm.

dir iconcache*

Windows 10 Clear Icon Cache

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If all the icon cache files are removed successfully, you can proceed further. You just need to start File Explorer by running the following command line.



Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache Browser

That’s all, if you have followed the process carefully, it will rebuild icon cache database automatically.

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